Want to buy a US-built boat? Now’s the time!
The 25% duty ad valorem applicable to yachts built in the United-States since June 2018 has, as of November 26th 2021, been suspended by the EU Commission Regulation 2021/2083. As a consequence of these new measures, new US built yachts or yachts that have never been formally imported before, will be able to be imported in the European Union in 2022 without needing to pay the 25% duty.
You have to act quick though, as the suspension only lasts from January 1st 2022 to December 31st 2023. And, we would also like to point out one very important consideration for yachts imported in the EU prior to June 22nd, 2018: if they are still owned by the same owning company to this day, they must have carried out at least one charter (anywhere in the world) under commercial registration prior to the end of the year 2021. It is a crucial condition to benefit from the commercial exemption in 2022.
On another subject, yachts that were imported by mistake a little after June 22nd, 2018 (who slipped through the cracks) under the commercial exemption will not benefit from the French commercial exemption in 2022 if they are still under the same ownership as they would be liable for the additional duty which operative event took place upon the latter importation. However, if these yachts are sold before their importation in 2022, the buying company will not be held liable for the past events.